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Single Cell Protein Analysis Services

Creative Biolabs provides single-cell protein analysis services that fundamentally reveal the differences in types and their states between different individual cells, allowing you to better understand cells and their phenotypes and life activities.

Proteins dominate or participate in almost all biological activities and functions, such as providing structural support, molecule transportation, cell growth and adhesion, signal transduction, catalytic biochemical processes, and so on, as the physical basis for all life and the main component of living organisms. Protein expression profiling is crucial for cellular molecular mechanisms research, clinical diagnosis and therapy, and medication development. Single-cell protein analysis allows for single-cell protein analysis and provides a practical method for distinguishing and identifying rare but crucial single cells from huge populations, aiding investigations on fundamental mechanisms, disease progression, and pharmacological treatments.

Protein analysis in single cells. Fig.1 Protein analysis in single cells. (Wu, 2012)

Fig.1 Lung cancer. (Creative Biolab Authorized) (

Single Cell Cytokine Profiling Service

Creative Biolabs offers single cell cytokine profiling services to advance proteomic innovations at the single cell level and the future of medicines against diseases.

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Fig.2 Cancer. (Creative Biolab Authorized) (

Single Cell Tumor Signaling Profiling Service

Creative Biolabs offers single-cell tumor intracellular proteome signaling profiling solutions to measure cellular protein-protein interactions and adaptive resistance pathways.

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Fig.3 Lung cancer. (Creative Biolab Authorized) (

Single Cell Proteomics Mass Spectrometry Profiling Service

Creative Biolabs offers single-cell proteomics mass spectrometry profiling service employing heavy metal isotopes as antibody labels to detect cellular proteins quantitatively using mass spectrometry.

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Fig.5 Single cell mass cytometry. (Creative Biolab Authorized) (

Single Cell Mass Cytometry Service

Creative Biolabs has methodically developed every stage of the process, from sample preparation through data analysis, to assure high-quality study outcomes.

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Fig.6 Single cell WB. (Creative Biolab Authorized) (

Single Cell Western Blot Service

At Creative Biolabs, we can profile the target protein expression heterogeneity and cell type heterogeneity for your samples with our single cell western blot service which would go undetected by traditional western blot.

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Fig.7 Single cell CLA (Creative Biolab Authorized) (

Single Cell Closeness Ligation Assay Service

Creative Biolabs offers a single cell closeness ligation assay service that enables the investigation of endogenous protein-protein interactions, post-translational modifications, and mRNA expression levels at the same time. Using the enhanced performance and benefits of our single cell closeness ligation assay service, you can discover opportunities in your research.

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Fig.8 Cell structure. (Creative Biolab Authorized) (

Single Cell CITE-Seq Service

Creative Biolabs offers single cell CITE-seq services, including cell isolation using a droplet system, data generation, and bioinformatics analysis, giving you a comprehensive understanding of the single cell transcriptome and proteome at the same time.

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Fig.9 scREAP-seq. (Creative Biolab Authorized) (

Single Cell REAP-Seq Service

Creative Biolabs provides single cell REAP-seq service, using antibody labeling and droplet microfluidic systems to simultaneously analyze the transcriptome and proteome of single cells at high throughput.

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Single Cell Protein Analysis by Flow Cytometry

Flow cytometry is the most well-known and user-friendly approach for single-cell protein analysis. Its success stems from the fact that, while absolute protein quantities in a cell can be negligible, localized protein concentrations can be much higher and quantifiable if the cells are kept intact. Flow cytometry has evolved from a technology that could only measure 1–2 fluorescent species in a cell to one that can now measure 10–15 fluorescent species in a single cell, allowing for the profiling of whole pathways in single cells.

Schematics of flow cytometry for single-cell protein analysis. Fig.2 Schematics of flow cytometry for single-cell protein analysis. (Liu, 2020)

Single Cell Protein Analysis by Microfluidic Flow Cytometry

Microfluidic flow cytometry is a miniature variant of flow cytometry that allows for the study of a small number of cells and the integration of sample handling and single-cell analysis on a single microfluidic chip. Microfluidic flow cytometry allows for single-cell protein analysis and quantification using calibration curves by combining microfluidic fabrication, optical sources, and fluorescence detection.

Microfluidic platform for single cell protein analysis.Fig.3 Microfluidic platform for single cell protein analysis. (Wu, 2012)

Single Cell Protein Analysis by Mass Cytometry

Mass cytometry combines flow cytometry and mass spectrometry to evaluate single-cell protein expressions using various transition element isotopes labeled antibodies on and within cells. Single stained cells are driven into a nebulizer, ionized with argon plasma, and separated by the mass-to-charge ratio of the ions. Results for each cell's constituent ions are sampled, converted, and integrated into electric signals, which may then be quantified as single-cell protein measurements using a time-of-flight mass spectrometer.

Mass cytometry measurement of immune cell response.Fig.4 Mass cytometry measurement of immune cell response. (Wu, 2012)

Other Methods for Single Cell Protein Analysis

Other approaches for single cell protein analysis include enzyme-linked immunospot assay, capillary electrophoresis, droplet-based microfluidics, microwell-based assay, microchamber-based assay, and single-cell Western blotting. These approaches, we believe, will prompt the research of single-cell proteins, such as molecular mechanisms of cell biology and clinical implications for tumor treatment and medication development.

Please contact us for more information about our single cell protein analysis services. Our experts will help design an optimal solution for your project and troubleshoot for you throughout the whole process.


  1. Wu, M., Singh, A.K. Single-cell protein analysis. Current opinion in biotechnology. 2012; 23(1), 83-88.
  2. Liu, L.; et al. Advances of single-cell protein analysis. Cells. 2020; 9(5), 1271.
! ! For Research Use Only. Not for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.
